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- Public concerts and performances -


The 23. 15.00
"Balkan in Spirit and Soul" - concert, Jerup Church. Music by a.o. Vladigerov, Konjevic, Brediceanu, H. Ørvad and folk music from the Balkans.
www.myspace.com/balkaninspiritandsoul - www.elling-sogn.dk

The 30. 16.00
Concert with Mazel, Søborg Church.
www.mazel.dk - www.soborgkirke.dk


The 6. 16.00
"Balkan in Spirit and Soul" - concert, Himlingøje Church. Music by a.o. Vladigerov, Konjevic, Brediceanu, H. Ørvad and folk music from the Balkans.

The 25. 21.00
Concert with Fatma Zidan, Gimle, Føllenslev
www.fatmazidan.com - www.kulturhusgimle.dk


The 4. 21.00
Concert with Fatma Zidan, Copenhagen Jazzhouse
www.fatmazidan.com - www.jazzhouse.dk

The 20. 15.00
Chagall Matiné with Mazel, Huset på Næsset, Holbæk.
www.mazel.dk - www.husetpaanaesset.dk


The 14. 20.00
Concert with Fatma Zidan Kvartet, Vollsmose Kulturhus
www.fatmazidan.com - www.vollsmose.dk

The 21. 20.00
Concert with Mazel, Freepsumer Church, Germany
www.mazel.dk -

The 22. 15.30 and 20.00
Concerts with Mazel, Felde, Germany.
www.mazel.dk -


The 1. 16.00
Chagall Matiné with Mazel, Nødebo Kro.
www.mazel.dk - www.noedebo-kro.dk

The 6. 21.00
Concert with Fatma Zidan, Stars, Vordingborg
www.fatmazidan.com - www.stars.dk

The 14. 20.00
Koncert with Fatma Zidan Kvartet, Frem, Svaneke
www.fatmazidan.com - www.musikhuzet.dk

The 18. 21.00
Adam performs at "Balkan Night" at Café Zusammen, Copenhagen.

The 25. 19.30
Concert with Mazel, Allerslev Church.
www.mazel.dk - www.o-a-p.dk

The 27. 17.30
Koncert with Fatma Zidan, SPOT Festival, Aarhus
www.fatmazidan.com - www.spotfestival.dk

The 28. 15.00
Mazel performs at private viewing of exhibition by artist Søs Brysch at Gentofte Church garden.


The 4. 16.00
"Spring Dance på Carlsberg" - MAZEL plays at Tim Rushton and Danish Dance Theatre's new summer ballet, Akademiets Have, Carlsberg, Pasteursvej 24.
www.mazel.dk - www.danskdanseteater.dk

The 5. kl. 14.00
"Spring Dance på Carlsberg" - Akademiets Have, Carlsberg

The 6. kl. 14.00
"Spring Dance på Carlsberg" - Akademiets Have, Carlsberg

The 10. kl. 16.00
"Spring Dance på Carlsberg" - Akademiets Have, Carlsberg

The 11. kl. 14.00
"Spring Dance på Carlsberg" - Akademiets Have, Carlsberg

The 12. kl. 14.00
"Spring Dance på Carlsberg" - Akademiets Have, Carlsberg

The 13. kl. 13.00
Mazel performs at Inauguration for Mosaisk Trossamfunds new House of Culture, Krystalgade, Copenhagen.
www.mazel.dk - www.mosaiske.dk

The 16. 19.40
Concert with Fatma Zidan Group, Malmö, Stora Scenen.

The. 18. 19.00
Concert with Fatma Zidan Group, Sønderbro Kulturhus, Horsens.
www.fatmazidan.com - www.soenderbro-horsens.dk


The 5. 20.00
"Thanks to my eyes": new music theatre piece by Oscar Bianchi. Ensemble Modern and Franck Ollu, Théâtre du Jeu de Paume, Aix-en-Provence, Festival d'Aix-en-Provence, France.
www.ensemble-modern.com - www.festival-aix.com

The 6. 18.00
"Thanks to my eyes", Théâtre du Jeu de Paume, Aix-en-Provence, France
www.ensemble-modern.com - www.festival-aix.com

The 8. 18.00
"Thanks to my eyes", Théâtre du Jeu de Paume, Aix-en-Provence, France
www.ensemble-modern.com - www.festival-aix.com

The 9. 20.00
"Thanks to my eyes", Théâtre du Jeu de Paume, Aix-en-Provence, France
www.ensemble-modern.com - www.festival-aix.com

The 11. 18.00
"Thanks to my eyes", Théâtre du Jeu de Paume, Aix-en-Provence, France
www.ensemble-modern.com - www.festival-aix.com

Den 27. kl. 19.30
Solo concert at Hune Church, Vendsyssel Festival. Music by a.o. Bach, Buxtehude, Prokofiev and H. Ørvad.
www.hunesogn.dk - www.vendsysselfestival.dk


The 19. 20.00
Concert, Snow Mask Ensemble at OpenDays.dk festival, Aalborg Kloster. Karolina Leedo - flute, Mina Fred - viola, Adam Ørvad, Accordion.
Works by a.o. Aguirre (premiere), Globokar (Danish premier) and Sciarrino.

The 22.-25. 18.30-20.45
Klezmer & Balkan - course, Rytmisk Center, Copenhagen.

The 25. 14.00
Concert with Fatma Zidan Quartet, Bibliotekscenter for integration, Fiolstræde, Copenhagen.


The. 2.
Concert with Fatma Zidan Group, Global, Copenhagen.
www.fatmazidan.com - www.globalcph.dk

The 4. kl. 19.00
Solo performance, Nøbbet Church, Music by a.o. Bach, Prokofiev and Franck.


The 14. 20.00
Performance withIsabel Piganiol and Sejer Andersen at Københavns Kulturnat, Galleri Kunsthuset, Frederiksberg. Arias and songs by a.o. Puccini, Piaf and Brassens.


The 9. 20.00
"Balkan in Spirit and Soul" - performs at "Pecha-Kucha-evening, Huset, Ålborg. Music by a.o. Vladigerov, Konjevic, Brediceanu and folk music from the Balkans.
www.balkaninspiritandsoul.dk - www.huset.dk

The 27. 16.00
Solo koncert, Sct. Olai Churc, Hjørring. Arranged by theSNOW MASK ensemble.
Works by a.o. Globokar, Aguirre, Moland (premiere) and Prokofiev
www.snowmask.dk - www.sctolai-hjoerring.dk


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